
Showing posts from July, 2019
VBS & Family Ministries We are now in the midst of our VBS week. These past few days we have had opportunities for more family ministries, a kids club, training the Albanian Christian groups in puppetry and also had a festival to promote the VBS this week.  Much fun was had by all during the festival as we had fun games, bouncy house, face painting and fun music songs such as, The Chicken Dance.  This week we have had close to 70 children come to VBS (Pirate theme).  The church has almost been bursting at the seams with that many kids in this small village church.  Everyone has played their part in the assemblies, crafts, games, snacks, and Bible lesson and these kids are so precious to have to work with. Unbreakable Bonds Over the past two weeks I have made a lot of friends with the young Albanians from kids clubs, VBS, and more. I have made great relationships with the kids and have had a great time with them making jokes, helping them pay attention, man